Friday, January 13, 2012

Meeting a Child

There are a lot of things I really love about my job. Holding a child. Learning Haitian Creole. Walking through the local villages. But probably one of my absolute favorites is being able to witness a team member meeting their child that they have chosen to sponsor. I can never tell who’s smile is bigger, the team member or the child. It’s almost as if you could reach out and grab a handful of pure joy, as you watch the meeting take place! The student is so excited to know that someone is investing in their future and that they are loved by a complete stranger. And the team member begins to realize that they really can make a difference in the life of a student and they can be a part of the “bigger picture.”

Today was one of these days. I took a woman and her daughter down to the School of Hope to meet their sponsored child. The little girl was maybe 5-6 years old. I literally fought back tears as I watched the woman and daughter give the little girl a jump rope and some barrettes to put in her hair. The light in the little girls eyes was unexplainable. They sat and held her. Laughed. And took pictures. You could see it in all of their faces that if time could stop and they could stay in this moment for as long as possible, they would! What a beautiful representation of the Gospel. I am so blessed to be able to have this experience week in and week out. I love my life in Haiti.

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