Thursday, February 9, 2012

Letter From Home

Who knew that hand written words on a page could be such a beautiful example of love? Not an electronic mail. Not a status update. Not a tweet. Simple ink stained pages.

As my life continues to move forward here in Haiti, my appreciation for the “simple things in life” continues to grow and grow. A cool breeze on a hot day. Sunrises and sunsets. A cold glass of clean water. Breath in my lungs.

Today I received my first letter from home. My first instinct was to rip open the envelope and quickly read the special words that had been sent to me, but instead I chose to tuck it into my purse and retreat to a solitude place to cherish the letter. It took more time that I would have liked to escape the clamor and clutter of the day, but I finally managed to slip away. Gently I slid my fingers along the seal and released the folds of the paper. It only took a few words and my eyes began to fill with tears. I’ve never cherished a letter until today. Yes, I’ve received many letters in my life, but something is different now. Being oceans apart from family and close friends, it’s amazing how special a letter can be. So today, with a cold glass of water and a cool breeze and a hand written letter, I appreciate the “simple things.”

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